The procedure for international marriage may start from the procedure in Japan or from the procedure in the other country, but in the case of marriage between a Japanese and a Burmese , start the marriage procedure from the procedure in Myanmar. We recommend.

The reason is that even if you submit the marriage registration in Japan first, the embassy in Myanmar does not carry out the marriage procedure, so to go to Myanmar to carry out the marriage procedure on the Myanmar side, it is a time-consuming procedure again. Because you have to do.

If the procedure on the Myanmar side is done first, the Japanese side only needs to make a report, which makes it easier.

However, I think that there are various circumstances, so I will explain each case of “when the marriage procedure is done first from Myanmar” and “when the marriage procedure is done first from Japan”.

* Required documents vary depending on the government office, so be sure to check with the government office in advance!

◆ When marrying from Myanmar first

1.Creating a Marriage Certificate

A marriage certificate must be created by the method specified for each religion that Myanmar people are enrolled in . Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to confirm the religion of Myanmar people. 

2. The marriage certificate must be signed and made an official marriage certificate.

In the case of Buddhists, the marriage certificate must be signed by the District Judge or Head of the District, and in the case of other religions, by a person in a position of leadership in the respective religion.
This process requires a passport for Japanese nationals, and in the case of Japanese women, a certificate of legal capacity to marry certified by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

3.Report marriage to the Japanese embassy in Myanmar

◎ Required documents

  • 2 copies of marriage registration (3 or 4 copies if new registered domicile)
  • Marriage certificate and copy in Myanmar (Japanese) (With translation)
  • Myanmar’s national registration card and its copy (with Japanese translation)
  • Myanmar’s residence card (with Japanese translation) 
  • Myanmar’s passport copy (with Japanese translation) 
  • A copy of the family register of Japanese people 
    * It is also possible to submit a marriage registration at the municipal office in Japan.

◆ When you go through the marriage procedure first from Japan

1.Burmese people need to obtain a certificate of fulfillment of marriage requirements (certificate of singleness) (all Japanese translations are required)

Certificate of fulfillment of marriage requirements must be issued by a local court under the jurisdiction of Myanmar. There is.

* A certificate of fulfillment of marriage requirements in Myanmar
will be created by a notary public lawyer under the control of the district court in charge, together with the family structure list (FAMILY LIST) . 

2.Obtain a police certificate issued by the Myanmar Police (Japanese translation required)

3. Submit a marriage registration to the municipal office in Japan

◎ Required documents

  • Burmese’s marriage requirement certificate or single certificate (with Japanese translation)
  • Burmese’s national registration card and its copy ( Japanese translation with)
  • and Myanmar police issue of police certificate (with Japanese translation)
  • Myanmar passport copy of the person (with Japanese translation)
  • office other than the municipal office where there is a legal domicile in the direction of Japanese When submitting a marriage registration in, a copy of the family register
    * Japanese translation requires translation certification.

4. Obtaining a Myanmar Marriage Certificate

Marriage is successful without obtaining a marriage certificate, but if you want to obtain a marriage certificate issued by the Myanmar Government (required to apply for a spouse visa), the couple must join Myanmar. You have to go to the country and go through the procedure in court.
The marriage certificate is named “Affidavit of Marriage”.

A marriage certificate created by the married party, signed in front of the judge, and signed by the judge is the marriage certificate in Myanmar.